virtual cigar tasting groups


Virtual Cigar Tasting Groups are created to enhance your cigar knowledge, refine your palate, connect with fellow enthusiasts, compare tasting notes, win prizes, and expand your understanding of cigar profiles. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned aficionado, this exercise provides a unique learning experience and the opportunity to discover new favorites.

Join our virtual cigar tasting groups and:

  • Improve your tasting skills: Compare your notes with other cigar lovers and see how you stack up.
  • Win prizes: Get recognized for your expertise and potentially win a free cigar tasting course.
  • Protect your privacy: Your results are anonymous.
  • Focus on the cigar itself: Develop your palate and sensory evaluation skills without the external influence of traditional focus groups, ensuring an unbiased tasting experience.
  • Get personalized recommendations: Discover new cigars you’ll love.

How to Join:

  1. Log-in or sign-up for free.
  2. Choose a Virtual Cigar Tasting group.
  3. Taste the designated cigar before the deadline, if there is one.
  4. Invite your friends to join.
  5. Submit your tasting notes.
  6. View the group results.

It’s that simple!

Virtual Cigar Tasting Groups are for you if:

  • you ever met with a group of friends and could not agree on what to make of a cigar
  • you ever struggled to name the flavors you perceive when smoking a cigar
  • you wondered how your perceptions compare to other cigar lovers
  • you want to become more self-aware as a cigar lover
  • you like to compare your tasting skills to others
  • you like to win for your true expertise
  • you understand that one single subjective judgement does not have a lot to say to the world, unless it’s done with a (self-)promotional purpose
  • you are concerned about your results being visible to a wider audience
  • you want to be praised only if your results are the best: on a leaderboard

You’ll be able to instantly see your review compared to the other consumers participating, thanks to very detailed charts. It’s like a golf score, the lower the score, the better the performance.

And it’s very easy!

If you’d like us to setup a Virtual Cigar Tasting group for a cigar not currently listed, we can quickly set it up for you: email

Please note:

  • You must be a Cigar Sense member to participate in the Virtual Cigar Tasting groups.  A free membership is sufficient.
  • You won’t be able to see results until a minimum number of participants have submitted tastings for the group.

Watch the video tutorial:

The technique used in the Virtual Cigar Tasting groups is typically applied to consumers according to sensory science. Don’t let yourself be distracted by being referred to as a “consumer”. Consumers can be sometimes much more knowledgeable than some professionals in the industry when it is about talking the sensory language.

We hope you’ll find this interesting and engaging, and look forward to seeing your results!



Photo by Keenan Barber

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