How the Cigar Sense reviews process works

At Cigar Sense, our goal is to guide cigar enthusiasts to their perfect match. We apply sensory analysis guidelines, an approach that we continously evolve.

In this video, an example of a Cigar Sense panel meeting:

The Purpose of Our Cigar Reviews

Our reviews help members discover cigars aligned with their unique tastes and preferences, whether that be specific flavors, strengths, or even factors like price and ring gauge. Our data-driven approach ensures that 9 out of 10 recommendations delight our members. Beyond recommendations, our objective analysis educates enthusiasts and provides insights for companies’ authentic storytelling.

Scores and Ratings: Personalized, Not Generic

We generate a personalized “fit %” score for each member by comparing their preferences to our detailed cigar profiles. This approach boasts a 90%+ accuracy rate. We avoid generic scores as they don’t reliably predict individual enjoyment.

Cigar Procurement and Testing

We obtain samples from manufacturers and retailers. We currently test 10 samples per cigar, blind.

The Panel: Trained, Monitored, and Reliable

Our panel consists of 7-9 trained individuals, measured and monitored for consistency. They undergo rigorous training to refine their sensory skills and minimize bias.

Here is an example of our annual workshops agenda:

Cigar Sense Panel Workshop 2024

Data Consolidation and Publication

Data consolidation is performed blind to further reduce bias. Cigars not meeting our quality threshold aren’t recommended to our members. Once consolidated, new cigar profiles are available via personalized recommendations and our search database.

Communication with Manufacturers

We communicate results to manufacturers who provide samples. If the outcome is negative, we offer to test additional samples. We may also engage with manufacturers when we purchase samples and share some of our insights.

We are committed to transparency and providing cigar enthusiasts with the information they need to make informed choices. Our thanks to our members and manufacturers for their trust in our process.