The Crux Epicure Habano Toro is made in Nicaragua, at Plasencia Cigars S.A. The cigar is a Nicaraguan puro using a Nicaraguan habano seco wrapper. You can learn more about the cigar and the brand at their website.
This toro shaped cigar is 6.3 inches long and has a 52 (64's of an inch) ring gauge. Its overall medium level of nicotine supports a spicy key palate note. Roughly 55% of our members like some spicy in a cigar, but many prefer other flavors. Aromas and other important factors also play a role in the enjoyment of a cigar. We take all of them into account in our personalized recommendations.
This toro shaped cigar is 6.3 inches long and has a 52 (64's of an inch) ring gauge. Its overall medium level of nicotine supports a spicy key palate note. Roughly 55% of our members like some spicy in a cigar, but many prefer other flavors. Aromas and other important factors also play a role in the enjoyment of a cigar. We take all of them into account in our personalized recommendations.