This episode is based on our article Sensory analysis, a misunderstood discipline. Franca explains some key factors that drive misconceptions when it is about sensory analysis:
- it deals with subjective data
- sensory science is a young research area
- anyone can evaluate cigars
- many expert tasters
- many obsolete tasting guides
- a lot of academic literature, little sharing of benefits among non-academic communities
- companies like to tell consumers what to sense, even if it’s wrong
- why should marketing teams believe results from sensory tests that are inconsistent with their own evaluations?
- why, on the contrary, is there trust on influencers, who also publish totally different results (but help sell)?
There are certainly more points and we will update our article where appropriate.
If you have any comments to the episode or to the article, please email Franca, your comments might be included in our next episode.
Listen to episode 51 “A new profession in the cigar industry”
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